Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Second half of Chalk

By the middle of this movie I was really starting to get into it and didn't want to stop watching, which is weird because I don't usually like shows that are set up with that format but for some reason I got into this one. The second half had many important topics brought up about teaching, like working with your fellow teachers and administrators, and classroom management. These two topics can really make or break a school, when I think about schools I always evaluate teacher to teacher relationships and student-teacher relationships before looking into anything else.

My favorite part of this whole movie was the "spelling hornet" I think that is a great idea!

My favorite character turned out to be someone I did not expect from the beginning, Mr. Lawry. I think he made the most progress throughout the movie and would be a teacher that could really get through to some students, even though he was one of those teachers who is REALLY smart but has no personal skills. He made some personal improvement and was always looking for ways to make himself the best he could be, for the kids, not for himself, which is what teaching is all about!

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