Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Library Lecture

It was very helpful to put a face to a name last night. It was a lot of information in a little amount of time so I will probably need some help getting stepped back through all of that. I hope at some point in the next couple years here I remember to use all of those little helper items because it seemed like that was a very good way to find information for papers and projects.

I really like that we have "special" website type things for each major here at Luther. I think that is a very good idea and makes finding information, specific to your major, a lot easier and more organizable.

Also, I like this information source because it may be something that I can/will use after I am out of college and into my own class room. Hopefully by then I will be able to navigate around the Eric web page fluently, it seems like an extremely useful resource.


Bethany V. said...

I remember last year when we had a informational meeting about journals, articles, etc. We were getting ready for our huge Paideia papers. I just hope they aren't trying to get us ready for another one of those soon!

Dana said...

I agree that the resources we were given will be very helpful for future projects and papers. I just feel that there was a lot of time spent on how to search something over and over again when after you do it once, since most of us know how to navigate through the internet, we can catch on and figure things out for ourselves if we need to.